Under the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2012 Part 1A those proposing major development are required to consult with members of the public and community and statutory bodies prior to submitting their planning application to the Local Planning Authority. This is commonly known as statutory pre-application consultation.
It is the intention of Cardiff Council (Housing Development & Neighbourhood Regeneration) to apply to Cardiff Council for planning permission for the following development:
“Hybrid planning application for mixed-use development. Outline planning permission is sought for: The redevelopment and extension of part of the existing Channel View Estate to provide up to 321 residential apartments and houses (Use Class C3), up to 285 sq.m of retail floorspace (Use Class A1), communal gardens incorporating allotments and picnic areas, formal and informal children’s play space, landscaping, cyclepaths/footpaths, drainage infrastructure, roads and parking; The regeneration of the Marl public open space to include new/improved sports pitches, children’s play space, a new ‘beach’, water features, landscaping, and cyclepaths/footpaths; The provision of a new bus/cycle/pedestrian link between Channel View Road and South Clive Street and a new cycle/pedestrian link between South Clive Street and Ferry Road; The provision of a new parking area; Together with associated works (all matters reserved for future consideration). Full planning permission is sought for a first phase of development comprising of new tower blocks (8-12 storeys) providing 79 elderly-persons (over 55s) accommodation units, a 115sq.m community cafe, communal gardens incorporating allotments and picnic areas, landscaping, drainage infrastructure, footpaths, roads, parking and associated works.”
In compliance with the statutory pre-application consultation requirements, all relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents are made available for inspection and review on-line below.
Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by 23rd May 2021. We would encourage you to use the online feedback form at the bottom of this page however, for those wishing to make representations by post or email, our addresses are as follows:
Post: Amity Planning (Channel View Consultation). Suite 212, Creative Quarter, Cardiff. CF10 1AF
Email: info@amityplanning.co.uk (please include 'Channel View Consultation' in the subject title)
Please note that correspondence should not be sent direct to Cardiff Council.
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